Natasha’s Law FAQ

We’re here to answer your questions

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding Natasha’s Law, if you have a specific question please ask below.
When do the changes come into effect?

Natasha’s Law, officially known as the UK Food Information Amendment comes into force on 1st October 2021.

What is PPDS?

Prepacked for Direct Sale (or PPDS) is food which is packaged at the same place it is offered or sold to consumers and is in this packaging before it is ordered or selected. It can include food that consumers select themselves (e.g. from a display unit), as well as products kept behind a counter and some food sold at mobile or temporary outlets.

What information must be on a PPDS label?

PPDS labels must clearly display the following information on the packaging:

Name of the food

A complete list of ingredients and with the 14 allergenic ingredients emphasised (for example in bold, italics or a different colour).

What are the 14 major allergens in the UK?
Food businesses must inform customers if any products they provide contain any of the 14 allergens as an ingredient. The 14 major allergens in the UK are:

Sesame seeds
Sulphur dioxide

Examples of food which is prepacked for direct sale?
Sandwiches packaged by a food business and sold or offered from the same premises.
Fast food which is wrapped or packaged before a customer selects or orders it.
Bakery products which are packaged before a customer selects them.
Food packaged and sold by the same business at a market stall.
Burgers and sausages packaged by a butcher on premises for sale.

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